By Joseph Weathered (photos and text)
On September 15th, Milford VFW Post 7788 held a remembrance ceremony focusing on Connecticut’s servicemen declared missing in action or known to have been a prisoner of war. Along with VFW members providing tokens of tribute and remembrance, the Post also featured the “Table for One”, which signified the bravery, loss, hope and faith that is felt by servicemen and their families.
“My meaning of it is that we are paying tribute to the personnel that were missing in action, that we haven’t been able to find, the prisoners of war who have returned and the remains of missing in action soldiers that have been brought home,” said Anthony Spinola, Post Adjutant for the VFW Chapter.
In asking Spinola about the chapter, he commented that he “would like to reach out to any veteran out there now who took part in Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom, Afghanistan; those vets that really don’t have a home or any place to go to. The Milord VFW is a good place to come. If you live in the Milford, Orange or Stratford area, please come down. It’s a good area, it’s a good place to join. We are doing a lot of activities and are trying to give back to the community.”
for more on VFW Post 7788, please visit