By Jody Dietch
Orange Democratic Town Committee

Jody Dietch
Wow, what history we have witnessed since I last sat down to write my column. We had an assassination attempt on a former president and presidential candidate, and we saw President Joe Biden do the selfless act of stepping aside from running for reelection to support the next generation of leaders.
As you read this, the National Democratic Convention may still be taking place in Chicago. And yet we think of “election season” as not kicking off until after Labor Day. This summer has proven the importance of our democratic process. It is important that we learn about what each candidate says they will do for the voters. Ignore the rhetoric that still is being floated and learn what the candidates intend to do and more importantly, how they intend to do it. Just saying, “I am going to help the middle class” without providing concrete plans on how, is a hollow promise, feeding us lines we want to hear without any substance.
Whereas our focus has been understandably on the presidential race with all that has happened, let’s also focus on the other races, including the local races. US Sen. Chris Murphy is running for reelection. Murphy has led the way on sensible gun laws that protect us and our children. US Rep. Rosa DeLauro has been a champion of the middle class her entire life. She spearheaded the expanded child tax credit. During the pandemic, this proved to give real help to families, and they put those funds back in to our economy.
We will also be voting in Orange for state senate and state representatives. State Sen. James Maroney has emerged as a national leader on AI and the needed legislation that Connecticut can lead the way by passing and enacting. State Rep. Mary Welander is a leader on education and family issues at the state level. She was one of the authors of the landmark legislation on mental health for our children.
There is no incumbent running this year for state representative in the 117th District that borders Milford and Orange. MJ Shannon is running for that seat. Shannon is clerk of the General Assembly’s General Law Committee, so he has great familiarity with how our state government works. The environment and helping small businesses are two issues Shannon feels very strongly about.
In the 119th, attorney Etan Hirsch is working to win your vote. Hirsch is a current member of the Milford Zoning Board. He is an independent thinker who looks at issues not through the lens of a political party but with facts and input from constituents to determine what the best line of action should be.
You can learn more about all of these candidates on the Orange Democratic Town Committee website at
Jody Dietch is the chair of the Orange Democratic Town Committee.