Registration Open For eesmarts Student Contest

Registration is open for the 20th annual eesmarts student contest, run by Energize Connecticut, which is sponsored by energy companies Eversource and Orange-based Avangrid subsidiaries United Illuminating, Southern Connecticut Gas and Connecticut Natural Gas.

The contest invites Connecticut students in grades K-12 to answer grade level-specific prompts on how they would promote energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable solutions.

This year, in addition to student entries, teachers are invited to make a video or song alongside their students addressing why saving energy is important.

Students in grades K-8 are asked to submit their entries in the form of a poster (grades K-2), limerick (grade 3), outdoor billboard (grade 4), fictional story with an energy-saving character (grade 5), persuasive letter (grade 6), comic strip (grade 7) or social media post (grade 8).

Students in grades 9-12 will produce a persuasive image in words or pictures, such as a short poem (125 words or less) or cartoon strip (12 cells or less) that advocates for an energy topic. Entries will be evaluated based on scientific validity and concise and convincing imagery.

Contest registration is open until March 21. Project submissions are due on March 28. All work must be completed by the individual submitting the entry. No group projects are being accepted.

Finalists in all categories and grade levels will be honored at an awards ceremony to be held in May. Winners will receive a certificate and an Amazon gift card.

For more information about the contest, visit

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