By Marilyn May

This handsome horse looks like he’s ready to take off for a wonderful winter sleigh ride after a heavy snowfall in the 1930s. Notice the beautiful houses in the background. They were all destroyed. The only structure still standing is the Diane S. Toulson Building that in 1986-1987 narrowly escaped destruction. Today that building is the River Park Apartments for seniors on West River Street.

Some hearty men look like they are on their way to shovel the snow that covered Milford in the 1930s. At the right is the Town Hall, the Diane S. Toulson Building (more commonly known as the “Yellow Building”) and the Central Grammar School (built in 1923 and demolished in 1986). The house in the center was built in the 1890s, and the last to live there were two generations of the J. Tyler Patterson family. It was sold to the town in 1936 and was turned into the Milford Children’s Llibrary. The house was demolished in the mid-1960s. The house to the left on West River Street was also destroyed to make room for the expansoin of the town’s municiple offices. Photos made available by the late Irene Nolan.