By Kathy Kennedy
State Rep., R-119

Kathy Kennedy
The past year certainly has not been an easy one for anyone. Many of us continue to work remotely, thus being more sedentary than we recognized. Our homes were our offices. Kitchens, family rooms and dens became our office.
Unfortunately, this temporary lifestyle shift has taken a toll on our overall well-being, both physical and mental. Because of the coronavirus and its many variants, our daily routines have changed, and for the most part not for the better. We have put our own health on hold, canceling annual medical checkups, regular lab work and other diagnostic tests. Please don’t neglect your health.
I want to implore you not to put off that annual physical, mammogram, eye exam, even foot exam. Yes, our feet have suffered because we have been sitting more than ever before, mostly in flipflops, slippers or barefoot. We must be vigilant about our individual health and certainly not dismiss medical concerns, even minor ones, or possible treatments.
Let’s start the new year with enthusiasm and positivity. Instead of resolutions, make changes for you – for your health. We can all start with healthy eating, exercise or starting with a walk around the block. Who knows: you may be running a marathon by year’s end.
Focus on your mental health as well.
I know many experience seasonal affective disorder in the dark and cold months of winter, sapping your energy and desire to get off the couch. Treat yourself with kindness and respect and avoid self-criticism. Many – myself included – say that by taking care of your body, you improve your mental health.
If you know someone in crisis or feel hopeless please reach out to United Way 2-1-1, a free health and human service information and referral helpline. Calls are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
May 2022 bring happiness and joy in your life. As the saying sometimes attributed to Albert Einstein goes, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
As always, please contact me should you have any questions about this important issue or concerns on any other topics relating to state government at or at 800-842-1423.