A surprised looking Jack-O-Lantern won the People’s Choice Award at the first Orange Pumpkin Blaze, sponsored by the Orange Volunteer Fire Department and its Auxiliary. Photos courtesy of the OVFD.
A surprised, one-eyed pumpkin won the People’s Choice Award at the Orange Volunteer Fire Department’s first pumpkin-carving contest.
Adria Boyle won the top prize. She carved the face into the surface of the pumpkin. And just to make it just a little more Halloween-scary, the missing eye – a chunk of stringy pumpkin – sits on the bench in front of the winning gourd.
Other winners included: Brynn Panapada, happiest pumpkin; Kate Panapada, cutest pumpkin; Chloe Clemens, prettiest pumpkin; Helene Flynn, best traditional pumpkin; Silas Hill, most hungry pumpkin; Kaury and Ian Kucera, most intricate pumpkin; Zoe Kucera, most adorable pumpkin; Melissa Parniawski, spookiest pumpkin; Orange Children’s Dentistry, most unusual pumpkin; Mia Quoka, most athletic pumpkin; and Greyson Fatone, most team spirited pumpkin. Winners received a certificate.
“We created this contest to give people a little extra fun during a Halloween season during which the nouvel coronoavirus prevented a lot of traditional activities,” said Rob Panapada, the Orange firefighter who created and coordinated the program. “All the participants said they had a good time. We hope the Orange Pumpkin Blaze will become a new Orange tradition.”