Survey Seeks Input On Orange’s Development

A recently-launched survey asks Orange residents, workers and others to weigh in on the priorities that will shape the town’s development for the next decade.

The survey is being conducted by BFJ Planning, which was brought on the the Town Plan & Zoning Commission to undertake help that board create a new plan of conservation and development. A POCD provides guidance for the town regarding what it would and would not like to see built there. State law requires each municipality to update its POCD every 10 years.

“The feedback collected through the survey will help identify key planning issues and opportunities, shaping the POCD update and ensuring it reflects the needs and aspirations of the community,” BFJ Senior Planner Suzanne Goldberg said in a release about the survey.

The survey will remain open until mid-February. BFJ has already held one public workshop, and will hold another in March to review draft chapters and recommendations. By June a full draft of the POCD will exist and there will be a public hearing to get additional feedback before the final plan is delivered in September.

The survey is available here.
