Tour Coming Of Stone-Otis House, Herb Garden The Garden Club of Orange and the Orange Historical Society will host a tour of the Stone-Otis House and...
Garden Club Of Orange Installs New Board Members The Garden Club of Orange installed new officers and welcomed new members on June 13 at their annual meeting....
Orange Garden Club Members Win Awards At Connecticut Flower And Garden Show Members of the Garden Club of Orange came home with awards from the Connecticut Flower and Garden Show, held...
Orange Garden Club Summer Events Coming The Garden Club of Orange will present Bicentennial Blooms, a juried flower show, on Sunday, June 5 in the...
Garden Club Planting Town Orange Members of the Garden Club of Orange have begun planting orange flowers around town in celebration of Orange’s bicentennial...
Orange Garden Club Gets Awards The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut recently honored the Garden Club of Orange with four awards. Gail Nixon was...
Milford, Orange Holding Garden Club Markets The garden clubs in Milford and Orange will hold two separate market events during the month of May. The...
Plan For Your Bloom Gaps By Pat Dray The Garden Spot If you’ve been keeping your garden journal, you know when all your different...
Orange Garden Club Wins Decorating Awards The Garden Club of Orange received notification on Jan. 8 from the Kellogg Environmental Center and Osborne Homestead Museum...