Klarides, Ferraro, Kennedy Disappointed By Lamont Tax Plan House Republican Minority Leader Themis Klarides (R-114), along with state Reps. Charles Ferraro (R-117) and Kathy Kennedy (R-119) say...
Republican Lawmakers Oppose Bill That Would Break Up Amity District Area lawmakers are expressing their concerns this week about a proposal to regionalize school districts based on the current...
Kennedy Joins Fire/EMS Caucus State Rep. Kathy Kennedy (R-119) attended a meeting of the bipartisan Fire & EMS Caucus meeting in at the State...
Orange Reps. Sworn In For New Term State Reps. Themis Klarides, Charles Ferraro and freshman Kathy Kennedy took their oath of office on Jan. 9 at...
Local Legislators To Have Office Hours With Constituents State Reps. Kathy Kennedy (R-119) and Charles Ferraro (R-117), whose districts include parts of Milford and Orange, will be holding...
Orange State Reps Having Office Hours With Constituents State Reps. Themis Klarides, Charles Ferraro and State Rep.-Elect Kathy Kennedy will be holding two sessions of legislative office...