Turkey Hill School Students Perform Virtual Quarantine Show The Turkey Hill School Drama Club performed “10 Ways to Survive a Life in Quarantine” by Don Zolidis on...
Orange House Fire Extinguished An Orange family came home July 10 to find their home on fire, but members of the Orange Volunteer...
Orange Releases Procedures For July Tax Payments With the continuing danger surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Orange has updated its procedures for residents to pay their July...
Colonial Involved In Milford Sale For $2.2 Million Colonial Properties, Inc., which is based in Orange, was involved in the $2.2 million sale of a Milford industrial...
Online Challenge Benefits Orange Fire Department When the COVID-19 pandemic forced the Orange Volunteer Fire Department to cancel its most important funding source, the Orange...
Orange Gets New Recycling Shed Orange’s Transfer Station and Recycling Center received a new shed for recycling plastic bags and plastic films on June...
Orange Farmer’s Market To Open The Orange Community Farmers’ Market will have its opening day on Thursday, June 25 with some new safety protocols...
Scouts Launch Remote Camping Program With school winding down and overnight camps canceled due to COVID-19, the Connecticut Yankee Council is introducing an innovative...
Amity Announces Excellence, Teacher Awards Amity Regional School District No. 5 has announced that its Award of Excellence this year is being given to...