By Jody Dietch
Orange Democratic Town Committee

Jody Dietch
As we spoke with visitors to the civic tent at the Orange Country Fair, many still didn’t realize that we now have early voting in Connecticut. It’s true. Across the state, you have been able to vote in-person starting on Oct. 21.
Why should you do it and not just wait until election day? For one, juggling work and kids and activities, you know that life happens. Just when you least expect it, your boss will ask you to travel to visit a customer that day, or you or your child will come down with a fever. Can you really afford to take the chance and sit out during this important election?
More than that, our legislators and state leaders worked hard to secure this opportunity for us. Only three states in the country remain without some form of early voting. Now, it’s our turn to make the most of this secure and important convenience.
In Orange, you can vote early right in the basement of Town Hall. Early voting for the general election began on Monday, Oct. 21, and runs through Sunday, Nov. 3. The hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Oct. 29 and 31 (go before the kids put on those costumes).
When you go to cast your ballot this year, you will have the opportunity to weigh in on another important voting topic. Right now, our state’s rules only allow someone to vote by absentee ballot if they are unable to appear on election day due to absence from town, sickness or physical disability, military assignments, religious obligations or duties as an election official. Your vote on this critical question could allow anyone to request an absentee ballot, making it even more convenient and accessible to those of us who live busy (and sometimes crazy) lives.
Our democracy should work for all of us and not make it difficult for any one of us to take part in voting, a critically important right and duty of a US citizen. Make your plan to vote and make it early. What day will you vote? What time? We’ve got great candidates who need and deserve our support. So tell your friends and avoid election day lines. Let’s check this item off our sometimes endless to-do-list.
We are proud to remind you of the great candidates the Democratic Party has to represent you. Besides Kamala Harris and Tim Walz at the top of the ticket, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and US Sen. Chris Murphy are both up for reelection. For our state government, state Sen. James Maroney and Rep. Mary Welander are both running for reelection. Also running for state representative this year are two very experienced neighbors: MJ Shannon, who brings youth, enthusiasm and legislative experience to the ticket; and Etan Hirsch, who brings a strong legal background as well as being an elected officeholder in Milford. Supporting these candidates is supporting yours and your family’s future.
Jody Dietch is the chair of the Orange Democratic Town Committee.