By Charles Ferraro
State Rep., R-117

Charles Ferraro
Although we have been legislating virtually for over a year, that hasn’t stopped your House of Representatives from being laser-focused on combatting the effects of COVID-19 or continuing to serve the residents of Connecticut.
We’ve tackled a wide range of issues, from providing much-needed relief to vulnerable residents to assisting businesses to prevent overbearing Hartford policies from crippling local voices. I will highlight a few pieces of legislation, an opening of a new business in our community and provide a vaccine update.
First and foremost there is House Bill 5742, which requires a portion of COVID-19 relief funds be used for domestic violence, mental health, suicide prevention and substance abuse as a result of suffering from the pandemic. HB 5742 will ensure people confronting these challenges and the agencies that help them have the resources they need.
On March 25, the House passed legislation to support restaurants by continuing outdoor dining options through next year. In addition to supporting restaurants, I cosponsored a bill that will use federal funds to replenish the unemployment compensation fund to prevent those costs from being passed to our businesses. These bills will save jobs and businesses as we continue to navigate Connecticut’s recovery.
I also cosponsored House Bill 6555, which would create a process of legislative oversight on the future allocation of COVID-19 relief funds. Over the past year, the governor’s office has spent millions of relief funds without the consultation of your representatives. This effort will create transparency, provide checks on the enormous power of the executive branch and reestablish the legislative branch as the coequal branch of government.
Rep. Kathy Kennedy and I had the pleasure of welcoming a new, locally-owned business to Orange. We attended Empire Tattoo’s ribbon-cutting ceremony on March 23 and plan to present them with an official state citation soon.
In the spirit of building a better tomorrow, I’m sponsoring an Earth Day cleanup event on April 24 from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Oyster River in Orange. The event will be open to the public and will follow COVID protocols. You can email to register for the event and get additional information.
Last, Connecticut continues to make strides in eradicating COIVD-19. 1,828,260 doses have been administered as of March 29. Starting April 1 residents 16 and older will be eligible for the vaccine. Our state continues to rank among the top vaccinated states in the country.
You can continue to follow the actions of legislature right from home by watching committee meetings, public hearings and tracking legislation. These informational resources can be found at Should you have any questions, concerns, or input on legislation and state issues, I can always be reached by email at