By James Maroney
State Sen., D-14

James Maroney
Even though it seems that we just finished the 2023 legislative session, I am already thinking about the 2024 session and what I can do to enhance the lives of our residents here in Connecticut. I’m currently working on developing my legislative agenda in hopes of building upon legislation passed this year.
I am proud of the work that has been done surrounding artificial intelligence. I led passage of a bill that will work to regulate government use of AI in Connecticut. Several requirements will be put in place for state agencies to develop and use automated systems for critical decisions.
Part of my goal for next year is to build upon this legislation. I am putting a working group together to focus on AI legislation. As our digital world evolves, the intelligence of machines and software continues to progress. We need to put in safeguards and ensure responsible use of artificial intelligence.
I have many other ideas that I am looking to bring forward next year. Connecticut is a wonderful place to live and raise a family, but we need to make certain that all residents are given the opportunity to succeed. The best way to do that is to provide quality early childhood education. This past session we created an early childhood trust fund, but we didn’t dedicate a funding source. Next session I want to work with my colleagues to identify a funding source to help ensure high quality and affordable early childhood education for every child.
Most importantly, I am committed to going out and seeking input from constituents on issues that we need to address. I cannot underscore enough how pivotal your input is in my capacity to function effectively as a legislator.
In the recent legislative sessions, two of the bills I worked on came directly from constituent feedback. These included a law requiring pharmacies to create plans for unexpected closures that will allow their customers to get their needed medicines at nearby pharmacies, and another establishing a GPS tracking system aimed at safeguarding domestic abuse victims.
Over the coming months I will be holding coffee and conversations and evening community meetings. I hope you will reach out and share your suggestions. In addition, if you haven’t already, I urge you to subscribe to my e-newsletter to stay updated on information about upcoming legislation and outreach opportunities.
You are always welcome to connect with me through email at