By Carolina Amore
Personal Experiences
Carolina Amore
To search for one’s purpose in a world of uncertainty is a noble pursuit. People rarely take the time to discover what makes them excited for each coming day or what makes them feel hope for both the world and themselves.
Some believe there are no greater purposes, that we are solely meant to work hard and provide for those we love. Some say there is not enough time in the day to manage an abundance of responsibilities and fit in time for solitude.
Finding what makes you flourish and pursuing it for a lifetime is nearly impossible. At the age of 18 there are two choices: find a job or engage in higher learning.
Employment and education are valuable opportunities, but throwing yourself into either choice so young can create an insistency to figure out the rest of your life far too early – before even being given the option of self-discovery.
Solitude, or leading a life of financial security that coincides with one’s passion, is almost unheard of. Society is structured around its paying inhabitants.
Suppose point A is the beginning of adulthood and point B is financial freedom. The middle ground is a delicate dance between working diligently, educating yourself and finding the time to balance responsibilities and the inner work required to become the happiest version of yourself.
Spending the time to discover the wants, needs and virtues of the self is an easier task to accomplish at a younger age. Usually the younger you are, the fewer responsibilities and more time you have.
Not many young people are given that opportunity, but that does not mean that discovering yourself is still impossible.
It may be too late to change career paths or get another degree, but it is never too late to get to know yourself a bit better.
Spending time alone has been widely stigmatized; it is seen as an inconvenience or a punishment. Some people are so used to having others around that being alone becomes unavoidably uncomfortable.
To choose to be alone in a world full of noise is a terrifying and brave thing to be. There is no path set in stone for those to find what aids a person in their solitude or guides them toward their purpose. There is only the willingness to explore and the desire to get to know yourself better today than yesterday.
Small moments and small discoveries into the mind and spirit are the steppingstones to living with divine purpose. Purpose can have everything to do with a career choice or have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Your purpose is decided by no one other than yourself. Each person owes it to themselves and the ones they love to take even five minutes out of each day to begin the journey to discover who they are and what it is that truly makes them happy.