Dear Town Residents:
What Is Cancer?
Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. Cancer is not just one disease, but also many diseases. There are more than 100 kinds of cancer.
According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Healthy people 2020:
* 8.7% of adults who have ever been diagnosed with cancer.
* 1,596,486 new cancer cases were diagnosed in the United States, including 20,379 in Connecticut.
* 591,686 cancer deaths occurred in the United States, including 6,621 in Connecticut.
* For every 100,000 men and women in Connecticut, on average, approximately 467 were diagnosed with cancer and approximately 147 died from it.
How Can Cancer Be Prevented?
Screening for cervical and colorectal cancers as recommended helps prevent these diseases by finding precancerous lesions so they can be treated before they become cancerous. Screening for cervical, colorectal, and breast cancers also helps find these diseases at an early stage, when treatment works best.
Vaccines (Shot) also help lower cancer risk. The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine helps prevent most cervical cancers and several other kinds of cancer. The hepatitis B vaccine can help lower liver cancer risk.
Living with cancer increases your risk for complications from influenza (“flu”). If you have cancer now or have had cancer in the past, you are at higher risk for complications from the seasonal flu or influenza, including hospitalization and death.
You can reduce your risk of getting cancer by making healthy choices like keeping a healthy weight, avoiding tobacco, limiting the amount of alcohol you drink, and protecting your skin.
What other vaccines should cancer patients and survivors is aware of?
Many people who are at increased risk for flu are also at increased risk for pneumococcal disease. People with cancer or other diseases that compromise your immune system should ask their health care providers if pneumococcal shots are needed.
The OVNA started this year’s Flu Vaccine Campaign and will offer the Seasonal Influenza Vaccination.
In 605A Orange Center Road Orange town (Clark Building), Days/Time of flu clinic:
10/16/17 at 1-3Pm in High Plan
10/19/17 at 4-7Pm in OVNA
10/26/17 at 12-4Pm in High Plains
If you need additional information, feel free to contact our Team in OVNA
Maria Biondi, LPN, Community Liaison
Judy Benson RN, BSN Administrator
Fatima Elfadli, Intern – Health Department
Amir Mohammad, MD, Medical Director