The Turkey Hill School Student Council has been busy helping those in need, hosting two events in November to benefit the Orange Food Bank and the Columbus House Homeless Shelter in New Haven.
The student council hosted a food drive for the Orange Food Bank, with donations collected from Nov. 12 through Nov. 16. Council members in grades three to six planned and coordinated the food drive. They created flyers and made posters to advertise the event. They worked to collect the donations each morning and categorize them for delivery. THS collected enough canned and boxed food items to fill a whole car. The donations were picked up Nov. 19 from THS in time to fill Thanksgiving food baskets.
The student council hosted a pajama day on Nov. 16 for students and staff. All who participated made a donation to the Columbus House Homeless Shelter in New Haven. In total, the school raised $710, which the Columbus House used to buys gift cards to fast food restaurants for those in need.

The student council at Turkey Hill School in Orange collected food and monetary donations in November for two local charities. From left: Erik Jiang, Ava Storz, Caryn Kim, Timothy Chang, Nadav Chetrit, Sarah Gonzalez Stevens and Sydney Delpo. Photo by Pam Lemere.