By Charles Ferraro
State Rep., R-117

Charles Ferraro
I have heard from many residents and families who have expressed their concerns over the rising cost of energy and heating their homes. During the summer, when many traditionally fill their oil tanks in preparation for colder months, many have decided to postpone buying oil due to the increased financial burden. Over the past one year, the cost for home heating oil has risen 80 percent.
With the cold seasons approaching, we are witnessing an unacceptable level of home heating insecurity, especially among working-class and low-income residents. My Republican colleagues in the legislature and I continue to share concerns for our constituents on this topic and have been working hard in Hartford to find relief for you and your families.
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program is a federal program which many people throughout the state, and our district, rely on to keep the heat on throughout the cold Connecticut winters. This year, federal funds for the program were reduced by 40 percent (or $50 million). The majority party failed to act. We proposed allocating unspent federal funds from the Invest Connecticut fund to replace cuts to LIHEAP, but our amendment fell on deaf ears.
As the ranking member on the Energy & Technology Committee, I have been working directly toward ensuring that Connecticut residents and families will have access to necessary home heating without the increased financial burden. I was extremely disappointed by the objection of the Democrats which left $79.2 million towards reducing energy costs for low-income residents.
With participation in LIHEAP seeing a 5 percent increase since last year, it is concerning that we are sitting idly by to fill the short fall that our most vulnerable families will be facing this winter. It is unfortunately ironic that we are not using our “Invest Connecticut” dollars into doing just that.
House and Senate Republicans have been united in calling for a special session to address this urgent issue. We are committed to strengthening this assistance that will prove to be vital for thousands of Connecticut residents in 2022 and beyond.
Please continue to reach out to me at with your questions and concerns regarding state issues.