By Joanne Byrne
Retired and Rejuvenated

Joanne Byrne.
Did you know that you can save hundreds of dollars a year and enhance the health of your brain and body by ignoring the myriad unproven claims for anti-dementia supplements and focusing instead on a lifestyle long linked to better mental and physical well-being?
Many of the purported brain boosters, such as ginkgo biloba and coenzyme Q10, have been tested and thus far have been found wanting for any improvements in brain function. The Alzheimer’s Association says there may be one possible exception – the use of omega-3 fatty acids may be helpful.
It is appealing to think you can maintain your cognitive powers by swallowing a few pills instead of adopting a brain-healthy diet, getting regular exercise and adequate sleep, and other health-preserving measures such as not smoking. But you would only be fooling yourself, wasting precious dollars that could be better spent on nutritious foods and a good pair of walking shoes.
“No known dietary supplement prevents cognitive decline or dementia,” says Dr. Joanna Hellmuth, a neurologist at the University of California Memory and Aging Center, in the January issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Supplement manufacturers do not have to test their products for effectiveness or safety. Lacking sound scientific backing, most of these products are promoted by testimonials that appeal to people worried about developing dementia.
It’s a confusing landscape. We see bold claims in newspaper ads, on the internet and on late-night TV that various supplements can promote brain health. Such statements are legal under the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, as long as the product is not claimed to prevent, treat or cure dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Too often, people seeking an easy route to cognitive health assume incorrectly that anything said to support memory will ward off dementia.
Supplements are only one of several arms of the memory-enhancing industry. There are also numerous videos, games, puzzles and programs being marketed. None of these are a problem if people have fun doing them. Some may even be helpful, up to a point.
The Mayo Clinic reported that older people who engage in mentally stimulating activities such as games, crafts and computer use have a lower risk of developing mild cognitive impairment. A neurologist at Mayo followed nearly 2,000 cognitively normal people 70 and older for four years and found that computer use decreased the participants’ risk of impairment 30 percent, engaging in crafts decreased it by 28 percent, and playing games by 22 percent. Social engagement has also repeatedly been shown to benefit cognitive health and longevity.
So what really works to support brain health as we age? We should start with the very same foods that help keep our heart healthy. Adopt a Mediterranean-style diet replete with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, fish, low-fat dairy and olive oil. Seniors who had such a diet and limited their salt intake had a 35 percent lower risk for cognitive decline as they aged.
It’s also helpful to avoid or limit foods that have a negative effect on the brain, such as red and processed meats, cheese and butter, fried foods, pastries, sugars, white rice and white bread.
Following a healthy diet can also reduce the risk of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, both of which can foster cognitive decline or dementia.
Finally (and the hardest one for most of us), don’t skimp on sleep, which gives the brain a chance to form new memories. Researchers suggest striving for seven to eight hours of shut-eye a night.
Joanne Byrne served as Senior Services Coordinator for the Town of Orange. She is now actively and happily retired. Email her at to share your thoughts on retirement.