When the word wallpaper comes to mind, most people take a trip back to their childhood. Many having flashbacks of growing up and visiting their grandparent’s houses when these pastel floral prints and bright geometric shapes were a big statement. As it faded away in later years, wallpapers are definitely making their way back into people’s homes with a more upbeat and fashionable flair.
The key difference that wallpaper has now compared to back in the day is that it is used to accessorize and dress up a room. There are many ways to use these new designs and murals to make a room stand out. A popular new route to choose when deciding on wallpaper is choosing a textured piece. It is a quieter, less over-powering look that will blend with the interior design of the room. Metallic wallpapers fill in with the textures creating a certain look that will change in the light or as people pass through the room.
Having an accent wall in any room has become more prominent in many homes. The new trend is installing wallpaper instead of a coat of paint. Whether it is in a nursery or kitchen, accent wallpapers can help tie the entire room together. Depending on the design of the paper, you can match your furniture or appliances to accentuate your room and make it a place where everyone wants to be. It is also an inexpensive initiative to take when on a budget.
Wallpaper is pushing the boundaries of bold geometrics, textures, vivid colors and three-dimensional images. I sell wallpaper and was truly amazed on how beautiful it is. It’s a blend of sophisticated luxury and elegance with images of woods, brick and shimmering metallic. I have used wallpaper in my design work as accent walls and encased features in grand foyers.
I was never a fan of wallpaper until this past year. The industry has truly given extra attention to these products. Since I am new to the product lines I don’t have a lot of experience with wallpaper so I thought it would be great to give some insight from the Professionals in the wallpaper industry. Here are a few tips and concepts to follow when choosing wallpaper.
You don’t have to live in an old house for these wallpapers to work, but, for best effect, choose a design that suits the scale of your home. For example, the small florals typical of the 1930s can look lost in a high-ceilinged room, while heavily patterned Victorian prints can overwhelm a small or low-ceilinged space.
To make a beautiful wallcovering the focus of the room, pick out key colors from the design and repeat them in plain fabrics and painted woodwork.
To mix in other prints without outshining the wallpaper, stick to a limited color palette. Alternatively, choose another print from the same collection – they’re grouped to co-ordinate, so the hard work’s been done for you.
If you like an eclectic look, you can team an archive wallpaper with modern furniture, but echo the design – for example, a pattern with gentle curves will look better with furniture in curved shapes.
If you want to find a paint that matches the tones used in an archive wallpaper, look at heritage and period paint collections.
The latest oversized prints can look fabulous in both small and large rooms. The secret is to stick to a subtle design or one in soft colors if your room is compact, as this will stop the wallpaper from being overpowering.
As an update on traditional flowered wallpapers, bold florals are not only for country cottages. They’re certainly not shy and retiring, but they are surprisingly versatile. It’s how you use them in a scheme that sets the tone – for example, for a contemporary look, team them with furniture in simple modern shapes.
Balance a strong floral print with lots of plain surfaces. Having large pieces of furniture – such as a sofa or cabinet – in one of the colors from your wallpaper will help create a more balanced room.
Try wallpapering unexpected areas, such as the inside of your under-stair cupboard for a big pattern hit every time you open the door, or behind open shelving for a hint of print behind books and ornaments.
This design gives traditional blooms a contemporary twist and works well teamed with modern furniture with a white or cream painted finish.