Washington Reenactor To Give Talk At Case Memorial

The Case Memorial Library will host historical reenactor John Koopman in his portrayal of George Washington on Saturday, Sept. 7 at 2 p.m.

Since 2006, Koopman has portrayed Washington in state parks, national parks and various historic sites along the East Coast. He has also played Washington in documentaries and other media and continues to perform at libraries and similar venues.

Koopman’s portrayals are wide-ranging: he can play a younger Washington as a military and battlefield strategist, a highly skilled equestrian and commander of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. Koopman has also played Washington as an older statesman who became a founding father of the country, the president and commander-in-chief.

To register, call 203-891-2170 or visit casememoriallibrary.org.

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