By James Maroney
State Sen., D-14

James Maroney
Given the recent increase in electricity rates, saving on electricity costs can seem a daunting task, especially when you’re not sure where to start. But did you know that the state of Connecticut offers a number of programs that can help you reduce your energy consumption and lower your electricity bills? From energy audits and rebates to incentives for installing energy-efficient appliances, these programs can help you to make your home or business more energy-efficient and save you money on your electricity bills. In addition, there are programs that will help you get caught up on past bills and make your payments, as well as the option to select potentially lower-cost electrical generators.
Connecticut is a deregulated state when it comes to energy supply, meaning customers can choose third-party electric suppliers instead of local utilities. The Office of Consumer Counsel recommends using Energize CT’s rate board when considering the supplier market. The board will automatically show changes to a bill to help consumers know if they’ll save money with a third-party provider. It is the most clear and concise way of comparing supplier rate offers. The enrollment process is easy and free. Visit to try it.
As of Nov. 23, there were 16 rates for each utility territory on the rate board lower than standard service expectations. This is likely due to long-term contracts locked in with lower energy prices in place and contracts formed in seasons when prices are less expensive. In September, 62 percent of supplier customers in United Illuminating’s territory paid rates lower than utility standard service rates. They represent 11.7 percent of customers in UI territory.
Choosing a lower-cost electrical generator is one way to save money, but there are also several programs from the state to assist you with energy costs if you qualify. The first program is the low income bill credit. As part of this program, if you qualify you will receive a $24 credit on your bill each month for January through June. For more information on how to qualify and apply, call 800-722-5584.
In addition, if you qualify for the Winter Protection Program (UI will not shut off your electricity between Nov. 1 and May 1), then you may qualify for the Matching Payment Program if you heat your home with electricity. Another program for low-income customers is the Bill Forgiveness Program. UI administers a home energy solutions-income eligible program that provides weatherization of homes. You can learn more about these programs at
Another program to help you reduce your energy costs that you are eligible for regardless of your income is the Energize CT program. This program offers energy assessments and rebates and incentives on increasing your energy efficiency. You can learn more at
With energy costs expected to rise sharply in the winter, the third-party market can likely be beneficial in providing savings to some customers. Being fully informed of the market’s operations – and potential pitfalls to be avoided – is the best way to approach a potential switch.
I am here to help. I want to be informative to my community and let you know of other resources you can take advantage of. If you have further questions, please contact the Office of Consumer Counsel at 860-827-2900. Everyone deserves to stay warm this winter.