Winter Feeding For The Birds

By Pat Dray
The Garden Spot

Pat Dray.

I love to hear the birds singing – although not so much at 5:30 a.m. in the summer. Here in Connecticut, we have a number of species that over-winter, including cardinals, goldfinch and several species of woodpeckers. If you’re observant, you may also see some of the more unusual species such as American tree sparrows and white-crowned sparrows, white throated sparrows and dark eyed juncos. The birds that you see at your backyard feeders will be dependent upon the food, water and shelter available to them.

Certain birds, such as sparrows and juncos, are ground feeders and prefer their food on a tray or platform that can be set on the ground or mounted on a pole, while others such as cardinals prefer hopper feeders that have a seed storage component that releases food onto a tray when the bird lands on the release mechanism. Some ground feeders will rarely land on an elevated feeder but will readily eat the seed that’s fallen onto the ground from a feeder. There are many shapes and sizes of feeders. They can be quite elaborate and expensive, so use your judgment on what fits your needs best.

Different bird species also prefer different seed types. The finches and woodpeckers (along with most others) will prefer sunflower seed. The black oil sunflower seed you’ll see offered in stores is a small seed that is very high in energy with a thin shell that makes it a favorite. The finches also favor millet. Your choice of feeder and seed type will let you attract the number and types of birds you want to see. It also means you won’t attract unwanted birds such as pigeons and doves, which favor corn.

Birds will also be attracted to water. They seem to prefer baths that are at ground level, so don’t feel you need to purchase a fancy, pedestal-mounted birdbath. A shallow pan works just as well. You can put a few pebbles or branches in the water so that the birds can stand on them and drink without getting wet.

Now on to the issues of maintenance and protection. Bird feeders require cleaning and maintenance, since dirty feeders can grow mold and bacteria that may sicken the birds. To clean a feeder, soak it in hot water with mild soap, scrub it and then disinfect it by dunking it in a 10:1 solution of water and bleach. Rinse it thoroughly and let it dry.

For protection, it’s important to have your feeder no more than 10 feet away from either shrubs or trees so that birds can escape predators. There have been some black bear sightings here in Connecticut, so it’s best not to keep your feeders out from March through November if you’re in an area where they’re prevalent.

If you want a fun activity this winter, check out Cornell University’s Project Feeder Watch, where you can count and track birds and enter your data. Visit for more information.

Pat Dray is a past president of the Orange Garden Club and a master gardener.
