Milford Library Reopened The Milford Public Library reopened its doors with limited hours starting June 23. Current hours are Tuesday through Thursday...
Milford Arts Council Reimagining Its Programs The Milford Arts Council has announced new campaign called “The MAC: Recreated,” a slate of online and outdoor events....
Milford Elks Donate $2,000 To Benefit Library The Milford Elks Lodge #1589 recently awarded the Friends of the Milford Library a $2,000 check to benefit the...
Kennedy Joins Discussion Of COVID-19 In Nursing Homes Standing with her legislative colleagues in the bipartisan Women’s Caucus in front of the State Capitol with Gov. Ned...
Milford Farmers’ Market Returning Although the Downtown Milford Farmers’ Market has been excited to announce their annual opening day every year for the...
Scouts Launch Remote Camping Program With school winding down and overnight camps canceled due to COVID-19, the Connecticut Yankee Council is introducing an innovative...
Grandparents Help Hungry Kids In Orange COVID-19 makes for some strange bedfellows. In this case, it matched an Orange neighborhood full of grandparents with a...
CT Audubon Offering Virtual Summer Camp The Connecticut Audubon Society’s summer camp is going virtual this year with Connecticut Audubon Adventures: The “Not So Bummer”...
Milford’s Smith Endorsed By GOP For House Seat The Milford Republican Town Committee unanimously nominated lifelong Milford resident and real estate agent Erik Smith to represent the...