Milford Students Win Book Awards The Friends of the Milford Library has chosen the recipients of its annual High School Book Awards. Awards are...
Anderson Cites Milford’s Interests In Waterbury Rail Line Funding Bryan Anderson, Democratic candidate for state Representative in the 119th District that includes parts of Milford and Orange, called...
Milestones Offering Online Support Groups Milestones Behavioral Services, a nonprofit based in Milford and Orange, is offering free parent support groups in English and...
Bridges Healthcare Celebrates Anniversary Of Mobile Treatment April marks the first year anniversary of the Mobile Addiction Treatment Team, known as “MATT’s Van” operated by Milford-based...
Milford Announces Tax Deferment Milford Mayor Benjamin G. Blake has announced that the city will allow a 90-day, interest-free deferment of taxes for...
Milford Budget Hearings To Begin Remotely The Milford Board of Aldermen will begin its 2020-2021 budget deliberations via remote access starting Wednesday, April 15. The...
Extended Hours Return To Milford Transfer Station Milford Mayor Ben Blake has announced the return of extended hours at the city’s Transfer Station beginning April 11...
Milford Church Hosting “Drive-By” Easter Egg Hunt Christ Presbyterian Church in Milford is hosting a “drive-by” Easter egg hunt throughout town until April 12. To participate:...
Milford Waives Fees, Changes Access To Parsons As the Milford continues its response to COVID-19, Mayor Ben Blake announced April 1 the following modifications to city...
Milford Has First COVID-19 Death The Milford Health Department received confirmation of the first death of a Milford resident due to COVID-19. The individual...