Milford Holding Virtual Veteran’s Day Events Milford’s Veterans Ceremony and Parade Commission will host a virtual Veterans Day ceremony on Sunday, Nov. 8 starting at...
Letter To The Editor: Welander Will Improve Community To the Editor: Mary Welander is running for state Representative for the 114th District which serves Derby, Orange and...
Milford Arts Council Launching Online Classes The Milford Arts Council has teamed up with instructors in the arts from Connecticut to Cape Cod to Virginia...
Kennedy Earns Small Business Group’s Endorsement The National Federation of Independent Business has announced its endorsement of state Rep. Kathy Kennedy for reelection this November...
Letter To The Editor: Support For Anderson To the Editor: I am writing in support of Bryan Anderson, Democratic candidate for state Representative, House District 119....
Orange Firefighters Launch Pumpkin Carving Contest As fears of COVID-19 extinguish enthusiasm for traditional trick-or-treating, firefighters with the Orange Volunteer Fire Department and members of...
Milford Eateries Featuring Literary-Themed Menu Items Four Milford eateries are featuring literary-themed menu items throughout October in recognition of Friends of the Library Month. The...
Republicans Call On Democrats To Distance Themselves From Third Party Stance On Police Funding Republican town committee chairs in Milford, Orange, West Haven and Woodbridge have issued a joint statement calling on Democrats...