Friends Of The Milford Library Hold Elections The Friends of the Milford Library held their annual meeting and Thank You Party at the library on Jan....
Milford Resident Named State Director For Bloomberg Presidential Campaign The campaign for Democratic presidential hopeful Mike Bloomberg announced Jan. 28 that Milford resident Brett Broesder will join as...
Maroney To Hold Community Conversation In Orange State Sen. James Maroney (D-Milford) will hold a community conversation with constituents at High Plains Community Center in Orange...
Mary L. Tracy To Hold Children’s Fair The Mary L. Tracy School Children’s Fair will be held on Saturday, Feb. 8 from 11 a.m. to 3...
Rose To Retire From General Assembly After serving residents of the 118th Assembly District in Milford for the past decade, state Rep. Kim Rose (D-Milford)...
Procession Route Announced For Orange Fire Marshal’s Funeral Orange firefighters have announced the route they will take as they escort recently deceased Fire Marshal Tim Smith from...
Milford Church Holding ArtTalk At MAC Christ Presbyterian Church in Milford is hosting its first ArtTalk, an opportunity to share and listen to others present...
Funeral Arrangements Announced For Fire Marshal Firefighters, police and municipal officials from across Connecticut and beyond are expected to pay their respects this weekend to...
Legislators Want Public Feedback On Prescription Drugs, Long-Term Care State Sens. James Maroney (D-Milford) and Matt Lesser (D-Middletown) will hold a prescription drug and long-term care forum on...
Klarides Sisters Announce Reelection Kickoff Event State Reps. Themis Klarides and Nicole Klarides-Ditria announced Jan. 20 that they will be hosting a joint reelection kickoff...