DMBA To Host Annual Lamplight Stroll The Downtown Milford Business Association is hosting its 18th annual Lamplight Stroll on Friday, Dec. 6. Families, friends and...
Turkey Trot Takes Off In Orange The Rotary Club of Orange held its seventh annual Turkey Trot 5K run/walk on Nov. 28. Photos by Lexi...
Orange Eagle Scout Builds Hygiene Kits For Needy Orange resident and member of Scout Troop 41 Adam Glassman completed his Eagle Scout Community Service Project on Oct....
Wreaths To Be Laid For Veterans At Orange Cemetery The Orange Cemetery has been selected for the Civil Air Patrol’s Wreaths Across America program for this year in...
Job Network In Orange To Host Networking Specialist The Housatonic River Job Network will be hosting author and networking specialist Rob Thomas as its guest speaker on...
Christmas Concert Coming To Milford The Choir of St. Mary Church, under the leadership of Frank R. Zilinyi, organist and director of music, will...
Maroney Lauds Beth-El Center As It Seeks Thanksgiving Donations State Sen. James Maroney visited the Beth-El Center Nov. 22, which he recently highlighted in his small business and...
Downtown Milford Open For Small Business Saturday The Downtown Milford Business Association has announced that select members are once again participating in Small Business Saturday on...