Going Batty For Chocolate You may be able to thank a bat for your chocolatey Halloween treats. Find out how this is possible...
Orange To Honor Breast Cancer Awareness The public is invited to join with the Town of Orange to once again participate in Breast Cancer Awareness...
Boys & Girls Village Celebrates New Building Dignitaries, board members, community leaders and supporters all gathered together Oct. 17 at Boys & Girls Village to celebrate...
Book Sale Coming To Case Memorial Library The Friends of the Case Memorial Library will hold a Basement Book Sale in Orange’s Case Memorial Library basement...
Podiatrists Recognize Staneski The Connecticut Podiatric Medical Association, comprised of more than 200 doctors of podiatric medicine, has recognized state Rep. Pam...
UNH Symposium To Discuss Drug-Related Deaths Experts and other stakeholders will tackle the thorny problem of drug-related deaths in the state and nationally Oct. 22...
Church Of The Good Shepherd To Hold Rummage Sale The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Orange is holding its semi-annual rummage sale on Friday, Nov. 2...
Milford Registrars Hosting Voter Registration Session The Milford Registrars of Voters will conduct a voter registration session on Tuesday, Oct. 30 from 9 a.m. to...
OLT Leading Hike Through Wepawaug The Orange Land Trust will be leading a guided hike at the Howard Brooks’ Wepawaug Conservation area on Saturday,...
Orange Coldwell Banker Agents Honored Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage announced Oct. 16 that four affiliated real estate agents from the Orange office were honored...