Orange Lions Hosting Comedy Night The Orange Lions Club is again hosting its annual comedy night fundraising event, “Comedy Under the Stars,” which is...
Elderly Brothers Returning To Orange The Friends of the Case Memorial Library will host a Saturday matinee concert with the arrival of The Elderly...
Orange Health Department Launches Community Health Survey The Orange Health Department has created a 2023-2024 Community Health Assessment for the purpose of improving and understanding the...
Orange Chamber Executive Director Stepping Down By Brandon T. Bisceglia Orange Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Kathy Converse Charbonneau has announced that she will be...
Giannattasio Gets Nomination For Mayor From Milford GOP Alderman Tony Giannattasio’s bid to become Milford’s next mayor got a boost on July 19 when he received the...
Q And A On Water Testing And Beach Closings By Patricia Houser For Nature’s Sake Every Monday morning from May to September, certain staff from the Milford Health...
Welander Invited To White House Discussion On Child Care State Rep. Mary Welander (D-Orange) recently participated in a discussion at the White House about how Connecticut is improving...
Tour Coming Of Stone-Otis House, Herb Garden The Garden Club of Orange and the Orange Historical Society will host a tour of the Stone-Otis House and...