Knights Of Columbus To Hold Free Throw Contest In Orange The Holy Infant Council of the Knights of Columbus #12523 is conducting its fifteenth annual Free Throw Contest on...
Colonial Properties Garners Three Awards Colonial Properties, Inc, in Orange was recently recognized with three 2018 Deal of The Year Awards from the New...
Orange BOE, Teachers Enter Agreement The Orange Teachers’ League, the union that represents the town’s public school teachers, recently reached an agreement with the...
Milford Police Citizens Academy Extends Signups The Milford Police Citizens Academy is looking for recruits for its 2019 sessions and has extended the application deadline...
Rose Appointed House Chair Of Internship Committee State Rep. Kim Rose (D-Milford) has been appointed House Chair of the Internship Committee by Speaker of the House...
Milford Transfer Station Extended Hours To End For Winter Milford Mayor Benjamin G. Blake announced that Saturday, Jan. 5 will be the last full day (7 a.m. to...
Orange Lawyer Appointed To New Covenant Center Advisory Council Orange resident and lawyer Charles F. Martin III has been appointed to the advisory council for The New Covenant...
Milford Trick Or Trot Raised Nearly $25,000 The seventh annual Milford Trick or Trot 5K Run/Walk fundraising event that took place on Nov. 17 had 300...
Ferraro Tapped For Energy & Technology Committee State Rep. Charles Ferraro recently received his legislative committee assignments from House Republican Minority Leader Themis Klarides, who tapped...