Orange Lions Club Providing Mini-Grants The Orange Lions Club will provide a limited number of mini-grants to eligible community organizations and/or individuals for the...
Orange Kindergarten Registration Open If your child is turning 5 on or before Jan. 1, 2020, it is time to register for kindergarten...
Big Y Plans New Store In Milford Big Y Foods, Inc. has announced plans to open a World Class Market at 150 Boston Post Road in...
Amity Middle School Students Recognized For Courage Courage was the characteristic of the month for November at Amity Middle School in Orange, and a number of...
Children’s Dentistry Opens In Orange Orange Children’s Dentistry, a newly-opened dental practice, hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony on Dec. 11 to celebrate its grand...
Amity Middle School Students Raise Funds For Children’s Center Eighth grade classes from Team T at Amity Middle School in Orange offered breakfast on Nov. 21 to the entire...
Rose Praises Milford Library Funding State Rep. Kim Rose (D-Milford) lauded the approval of funding Dec. 11 by the State Bond Commission for renovations...
Orange Police Help Connecticut Cancer Patients The Connecticut Cancer Foundation announced the successful results of their first statewide No Shave November campaign, which raised over...