Amity Appoints Hauser New HS Principal The Amity Region 5 Board of Education on June 27 appointed Mr. Andre E. Hauser as the new principal...
Meeting The Challenges Of A Changing World By Mary Welander State Rep., D-114 I am so grateful for these monthly columns as it gives me a...
AMSO Registration Day Coming Registration day at Amity Middle School in Orange for students who are new to Amity Regional District #5 and...
Dreamers With Nowhere To Belong By Jennifer Ju Facing Ourselves Belong. Derived from the word “belangian,” an Old English word of Germanic origin, to...
Amity Students Win In Film Festival The Amity Regional High School Film Club won first place on June 3 in the film festival. The...
Milford Protest Aims At Abortion Ruling By Brandon T. Bisceglia Protesters rallied in front of Milford City Hall on June 26 to vent their anger...
Cemetery Plays To Explore Orange History The Orange Plyers and the Orange Historical Society are presenting a collaborative effort to celebrate Orange’s bicentennial, a Readers’...
Addressing Mental Health In The Schools By Jennifer Fiorillo Mental Health The May 24 school shooting in Uvalde, Texas was enough to make us all...