Wizards Win Final Meet And Division Title The Wizards swim team won their final meet of the season against the New Milford Barracudas by a score...
Orange Little League Registration Open Registration is now open for the 2020 season of Orange Little League, which begins in April depending on weather...
Wizards Swim Team Beats Watertown The West Haven Wizards swim team, which includes members from Milford and Orange, won their second meet of the...
Registration Open For Orange Little League Challenger Division Registration is open for the 2020 Orange Little League Challenger Baseball program. The Challenger division of Little League is...
Virtual Golf Lounge Opens In Orange Golf Lounge 18, a 5,500 square-foot indoor virtual golf facility, is opening its doors in Orange on Saturday, Nov....
SCSU Gymnastics Student From Milford Dies In Accident A Southern Connecticut State University student gymnast from Milford died Nov. 10 during a training accident, according to the...
Amity School Board Sets Referendum For Projects The Amity Regional School District No. 5 Board of Education voted in favor of two resolutions Oct. 21 that...
Milford To Host State Sports Summit Milford City Hall will be host to the inaugural CT Sports Summit on Friday, Oct. 4. This event, sponsored...
Milford Tennis Tournament Raises $10,000 For Genetic Condition The second annual Lobs of Love Tennis Tournament and fundraiser at Milford Indoor Tennis on Sept. 14 brought in...