Letter To The Editor: Support For Fortunati

To the Editor:

In the upcoming municipal election, I highly recommend a vote for Karen Fortunati for Milford City Clerk.

Karen is my Fifth District aldermanic colleague. She has been a partner and leader on recycling and sustainability, public works and open space, budgeting and financial stability while developing an understanding of what Fifth District residents, and residents throughout Milford, desire from their elected leaders. Karen has distinguished herself by working diligently to achieve positive results.

Like many voters, when I cast my ballot, my decisions hinge largely on candidates’ personal qualities, qualifications for office, and having a vision for improvement.

This election comes at a time when voters must consider the news headlines that may well impact Milford’s future. In an age of cyber security and hacking, I strongly believe Karen’s education, forensics training, and understanding of jurisprudence will ensure that Milford is well-prepared in the event of threats to the city’s legal records and elections.

Karen has the requisite skill set to keep our records and systems safe. As City Clerk, I am certain that Karen will work with other professional city employees to continue sound practices to ensure ballot security and voter identity fidelity.

She has my vote on Nov. 5.

Alderman Bryan Anderson
Fifth District

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