Mathnasium Holding Pi Day Party Mathnasium of Milford will be celebrating the mathematical constant pi in all kinds of fun and tasty ways on...
DMBA To Host Small Business Seminar Series The Downtown Milford Business Association will host a Small Business Seminar Series on Tuesdays throughout March. Sessions will take...
Network Of Executive Women Speaker To Focus On “Strength And Vision” The Milford-based Network of Executive Women’s monthly luncheon meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 5 at The Breakwall,...
MOT Seeking Local Poetry Submissions In celebration of National Poetry Month in April, the Milford-Orange Times will run selected poems from area residents in...
Collins Files Paperwork To Run For State Rep. In 117th District, Ferraro Backs Candidacy Residents in Milford, Orange and West Haven will have a new choice to make this election on who will...
Registration Open For Energize Connecticut eesmarts Student Contest Registration is open for the 19th annual eesmarts student contest, run by Energize Connecticut, which is sponsored by energy...