Storm Outlook Unsure For Milford, Orange With the first significant snow event of the season bearing down on Connecticut, the local outlook for Milford and...
Rotary Peace Fellowships By Dan May Rotary Club of Orange Many people are familiar with local Rotary clubs’ community efforts to support...
Orange Republicans To Hold Caucus There will be a caucus of all enrolled Republican electors of the town of Orange on Wednesday, Jan. 10...
Key Drivers For The Next Budget Cycle By Kevin McNabola Orange Board of Finance It is clear that most municipalities within Connecticut, including Orange, weathered inflationary...
Ways To Give Back Locally By James Maroney State Sen., D-14 I don’t know about you, but it is hard for me to believe...
Orange Community Women Offering Handmade Mugs Orange Community Women has a limited number of mugs featuring the town seal for sale during the holidays. The...
Orange Community Gathers Against Hate, Antisemitism By Brandon T. Bisceglia Members of the Orange community braved harsh weather to take a stand against antisemitism and...
Anti-Hate Vigil Happening In Orange Members of the Orange community will come together on Sunday, Dec. 10 at the Orange High Plains Community Center...
Orange Holiday Festivities Postponed Officials in Orange have decided to postpone the town’s annual holiday festivities until Sunday, Dec. 10. The event was...