When The Waters Get Deep

By Michele Tenney
Here’s To Your Health

Michele Tenney

While I was teaching a water aerobics class last week, a little girl about the age of 3 was learning how to swim from a lifeguard at the pool.

Initially the little girl was very timid and afraid to jump in because she didn’t want to put her head under water. With some very good coaching and encouragement, the lifeguard was able to instill enough confidence in the little girl that she finally leaped into the water. Even though she went under, her fear was finally gone.

The next week, the lifeguard was teaching the little girl how to float on her back, but the little girl kept holding onto the lifeguard until she again gained confidence, trusting her coach but also herself.

I believe this to be directly parallel to living a healthy lifestyle. Initially, we may be apprehensive and perhaps even a little overwhelmed. We may even be fearful of not succeeding or anxious about giving up some things we love that are not beneficial to us. However, once you get going with baby-step changes, the next thing you know it will become like riding a bike: simple with very little effort or thought.

A friend of mine was recently telling me how fearful she’s becoming of the delta variant of the coronavirus. I offered her some immune boosting advice to help ease her fears. She pointed out that most people don’t live doing things like that, and my heart broke a little because I know she’s right. I started to ponder on why. What’s the disconnect? Why don’t we prioritize our health the same way we would our families or careers? Why aren’t we all “all in” most of the time? Why would you invest your money for retirement if you may not be healthy enough to enjoy it? You are your most important investment.

I’m here to be your “lifeguard” and encourage you to jump all in. It is all about small daily choices. Life is far too short to not live it to your fullest potential. Find balance and be deliberate about living a healthy lifestyle. You are a three-dimensional human being – a spirit that has a soul that lives in a body. All three of those dimensions need to be whole and healthy.

Exercise, eat clean more than you splurge, stay hydrated every day, get the proper amount of sleep and spend time being still, quiet and in the moment to lower stress. It’s all about being mindful, being part of a community and doing something that brings you joy.

Start living your best life today. I believe in you. Here’s to your health.

Michele Tenney is a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist & Wellness Coach. She is a member of the Orange Board of Health. Her website is www.elevatePTW.com. She can be reached at 203-668-2969 or email of Hmgbrd3@gmail.com.
