Regional Water Authority Prepared For Storm

In response to the storm forecast for this weekend, the Regional Water Authority reminded customers in a press release today to stay safe before, during and after the storm.

While no water issues are expected, RWA customers can sign up for the RWA’s reverse-911 system, CodeRED, which is used throughout the year to distribute alerts about drinking water service when warranted.

“The RWA prepares year-round for storms, and we encourage our customers to be ready, too. Our water treatment and distribution facilities are equipped with backup generators so we can continue to operate the pumps that maintain water pressure in the pipes when regular electrical power is lost. All RWA vehicles are fueled and ready to use in response to any issue that may occur over the course of the storm,” the release said.

RWA customers can sign up for CodeRed here. Customers can also enroll in CodeRED by texting “RWA” to “99411.” RWA customers can also report a water system emergency by calling 203-562-4020.

The RWA is also temporarily closing its recreation areas for the safety of recreation program permit holders beginning on Sunday, Aug. 22, and will reopen once it is determined safe to do so.

The RWA says it is always a good idea to bottle tap water and store it in advance of a major storm. The Federal Emergency Management Agency recommends storing a minimum of one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days. Families with pets should make sure they store enough water for their animals’ consumption as well.

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