Job Network To Discuss Job Search Pitfalls

The Orange-based Housatonic River Job Network will host Selling With Service founder and CEO Liz Dederer May 9 at the Case Memorial Library for a discussion about avoiding job search pitfalls.

Dederer’s Founder & CEO presentation will target boomers and “elder millennials,” giving them what she calls “the un-sugar-coated strategies to land the job you deserve.”

Selling With Service focuses on teaching entrepreneurs, small business owners and up-and-coming sales professionals how to close clients quickly. Dederer draws a comparison between the sales process and the job search process. “In sales, your objective is to close clients all the time. The beauty of a job search is you only need to close one,” she says.

Dederer will present an interactive workshop for and with job seekers.  The goal is to ensure attendees get out of any ruts or bad habits that may be slowing down their progress.

The event begins at 7 p.m. at the Case Memorial Library, located at 176 Tyler City Rd. in Orange. For more information, contact Alex Yaworowski at

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