The Benefits Of Cross Training

By Michele Tenney
Here’s To Your Health

Michele Tenney

Michele Tenney

Many of us find an exercise routine we like and stick to it like glue. While regiments and continuity are valuable in exercise, there is a fine line between that and the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Over the years I’ve seen people perfect one line of exercise, such as running or cycling. Yet when the same person is thrust into a cardio circuit or boot camp class, they almost max out their heart rate and find the class extremely difficult. Muscle has memory and if you’re not changing up your workouts or even your regular weight training routine, you’re not a fit as you may think.

It amazes my clients how winded they get by the small adjustment of doing upper body first when we usually work out the lower body first. They feel I’ve increased their weights or done something different. However, all I did was simply “trick” their muscles into thinking we were doing something new.

We need to have our workouts challenge us. We also need our workouts to keep us fit. Fitness means having good endurance, strength and flexibility. We do indeed need be versed in all three, not just one or two. A runner who does nothing in the way of weight training or yoga is not fully fit no matter what their finish time is. A weightlifter who cannot touch his or her toes or run a mile is in the same boat with the runner.

So what does a fully fit person’s workout week look like? The ideal week would have at least three to five days of cardio, one or more of yoga or Pilates workouts and two to three days of weight training. Weight training should never be done on back-to-back days unless you’re splitting up muscle groups. Your muscles need at least 24 hours recovery time after weight training to repair.

If you’re not a gym person, there are plenty of wonderful at home DVD workouts, and brisk walking is a great cardio workout as well. The weather now is in our favor for hiking, biking, swimming, tennis and much more.

With all the summer barbeques and celebrations, I’m sure you know I’m going to tell you not to eat too many burgers or hot dogs, bump up those fruits and veggies and drink your daily requirements of water. You can’t leave your food out of the equation of being whole and healthy any more than you can leave out destressing.

Summer is here my friends, so let’s do it right. Our farmer’s markets are calling your name. It’s not really about being buff for the beach as much as it is about being fully fit. You can do it. I believe in you because you are worth it.

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