Audubon Center Holding Early Fall Bird Walk


Piping plovers are a common sight on Milford’s shore. Photo by Patrick Comins.

Join Miley Bull, Connecticut Audubon’s senior director of science and conservation, for an early fall bird walk along the marsh, beach and upland areas of the Coastal Center in Milford. Now is the time to view the land and shore birds that are passing through or living here this time of year.

The walk, from noon to 2 p.m., is appropriate for adults and teens 16 and up, and all levels of birders are welcome. Registrants will be notified if the program is cancelled due to inclement weather.

Participants will meet at the Connecticut Audubon Society’s Coastal Center at 1 Milford Point Rd. in Milford. Pre-registration is required. The cost is $7 per person for CAS members and $10 per person for non-members. To sign up, call 203-878-7440.

More information about this, and other upcoming programs and events at the center can be viewed at

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