Letter To The Editor: Anderson An Advocate

To the Editor:

While you may not be aware, the cogs in the wheels in Milford have been churning in your favor thanks to our former alderman and current candidate for Connecticut state representative, District 119, Bryan Anderson. Bryan has been one of the most instrumental advocates for Milford residents, not just within the 5th District but for all districts. Quietly yet effectively he addresses our concerns, takes them to the people who are tasked with taking action and follows through holding those stakeholders accountable. He fights for the little guy.

Over the years I have had the pleasure of working with Bryan to address neighborhood issues. I have seen the results of his due diligence and his personal passion in achieving action in a way that is distinctly Bryan. I trust his judgement and the personal way Bryan takes on and executes the challenges to protect the charm of our beautiful city.

I believe, if elected to be our state representative, Bryan will bring these same skill sets and passions for protecting Milford and now, Orange all the way to the Capitol.

Donna Dutko
