Rotarians Sponsor Amber Alert Photos At Fair

The Rotary Club of Orange, will sponsor an “AMBER Alert” booth at the upcoming Orange Country Fair on Sept. 17 and 18 at High Plains Community Center.


At the booth, Rotary Club members will photograph and gather identifying information on children accompanied by a parent or guardian. AMBER Alert will be located near the police tents. Hours for AMBER Alert are Saturday 10-5 and Sunday 11-4:30pm.

After Orange Rotary members take a child’s photo and collect identifying information, the accompanying parent or guardian will be provided with an ID card showing the child’s photo, date of birth, height, weight, eye color and any other distinguishing marks.

The information is also stored on a database monitored by the state police.

The photo/data gathering service and one card are free, though donations to the Orange Rotary’s service projects will be welcomed. There is a small fee for any additional cards.

For further information, contact Trish O’Leary, 203.795.5333 or