Expert To Discuss Tips For Brain Health In Milford

Nationally-recognized stress expert Dr. Wendy Hurwitz will give a presentation at the Milford Public Library on Wednesday, April 17 in which she will discuss tips to optimize brain health.

Why can two people be in the same situation and respond to stress differently? Can going through stressful times without stress be a learned skill?

She will explain easy, simple, drug-free things you can do that may help prevent, reduce or reverse cognitive decline, and strategies to optimize brain health.

Hurwitz is a graduate of Yale University School of Medicine and a former medical researcher for ABC News. She is an expert in two fields: mind/body medicine and energy medicine. She has a forthcoming book on stress.

The event runs from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. It is free and open to the public; no registration is required. The Milford Public Library is located at 57 New Haven Ave. in Milford. For more information, call the library at 203-783-3290 or go to

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