Science Center Director To Speak At Milford Library

Elliot Severn, Director at Sacred Heart University’s Discovery Science Center in Bridgeport and an adjunct professor of astronomy at SHU, will discuss the museum’s upcoming programs, planetarium and science center, and give a presentation about his professional rocket launch photography on Wednesday, June 12 at the Milford Public Library.

Severn is an astrophotographer and photojournalist who has covered the US space program for the last decade. Some of his photography is currently on display at the C.H. Booth library in Newtown in conjunction with a special NASA exhibit entitled “Discover Exoplanets: the Search for Alien Worlds,” which is running from March through May.

The event is open to the public and all ages; no registration is required. It runs from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Library Program Room.

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