Two Local Women Sworn In As OVFD Trustees

Two local women, already active in Orange, have joined the Orange Volunteer Fire Association as trustees.

Polly Demirjian and Donna Wesolowski were sworn in at the July business meeting of the association, which operates the fire department. Trustees are charged with offering counsel and assisting the department with its business affairs and management of its property. They are appointed to their positions. The pair joins a panel of six trustees.

Wesolowski has worked at Yale University for 40 years in research. An active member of the Orange Community Women and Holy Infant Women’s Guild, she serves on the Orange Country Fair Committee and the Orange Conservation Commission.

“I love this town,” she said. “This is a new way to give back to the town of Orange.”

Demirjian is also an active member of the Orange Community Women. She was a member of the Orange Bicentennial Committee and co-chaired the Bicentennial Family Picnic. She is a partner in the law firm of Letizia, Ambrose and Falls in New Haven.

“My interest is in fundraising,” she said. “I want to help with that.”

Fire Chief Vaughan Dumas welcomed the two to the department. The current group of trustees is made up of three retired members of the Orange Volunteer Fire Department and three community members.

“This diverse group of guardians improves the guidance we receive and empowers our department to operate in a way that keeps us proactive and more responsive to community interests,” said Dumas.
