NEW Holds Gala For 45th Anniversary

The Network of Executive Women recently celebrated their 45th anniversary by hosting a gala to commemorate more than four decades of women helping women.

“We are very appreciative of everyone that helped make this event such a huge success, from the sponsors and attendees to the raffle and silent auction donors,” said Clementina Yazdani, co-fundraising chair for NEW. “Tyde at Walnut Beach was the perfect venue to celebrate such a momentous occasion. The amazing service, food and breathtaking view made it one to remember.”

NEW was founded in 1979 by Phyllis Holt to address the common interests of businesswomen in the community and help them grow and prosper. For more than 20 years, NEW has provided monetary support to adult women who would not ordinarily be able to afford educational programs.

“The hard work of our amazing co-chairs has set NEW up for success as we move into a new year for the organization and will allow our remarkable group to continue to support local women in the community,” said Nandita Ruchandani, NEW president.

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