Colonial Involved In Milford Sale For $2.2 Million Colonial Properties, Inc., which is based in Orange, was involved in the $2.2 million sale of a Milford industrial...
Online Challenge Benefits Orange Fire Department When the COVID-19 pandemic forced the Orange Volunteer Fire Department to cancel its most important funding source, the Orange...
Milford Releases Procedures For July Tax Payments As Milford responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, residents are being encouraged to take advantage of contactless options available for...
Milford Library Reopened The Milford Public Library reopened its doors with limited hours starting June 23. Current hours are Tuesday through Thursday...
Milford Arts Council Reimagining Its Programs The Milford Arts Council has announced new campaign called “The MAC: Recreated,” a slate of online and outdoor events....
Orange Gets New Recycling Shed Orange’s Transfer Station and Recycling Center received a new shed for recycling plastic bags and plastic films on June...
Milford Elks Donate $2,000 To Benefit Library The Milford Elks Lodge #1589 recently awarded the Friends of the Milford Library a $2,000 check to benefit the...
Orange Farmer’s Market To Open The Orange Community Farmers’ Market will have its opening day on Thursday, June 25 with some new safety protocols...
Kennedy Joins Discussion Of COVID-19 In Nursing Homes Standing with her legislative colleagues in the bipartisan Women’s Caucus in front of the State Capitol with Gov. Ned...
Milford Farmers’ Market Returning Although the Downtown Milford Farmers’ Market has been excited to announce their annual opening day every year for the...