House Republican Leader Themis Klarides Praises Gov. Malloy for Signing 3-D Mammogram Bill

HARTFORD – House Republican Leader Themis Klarides praised Gov. Malloy for signing into law an advanced mammogram bill that will promote early detection of breast cancer and save and extend healthy lives, according to a release.


The three dimensional procedure known as tomosynthesis will be covered under typical health insurance policies if it is proscribed by health professionals. The bill was approved unanimously in the Senate in the last days of the regular session and had only three opponents in the House

“I want to thank Gov. Malloy for signing this measure into law. This is not a mandate on insurance companies but will allow patients to avail themselves of ever advancing technology. The upfront costs may be higher but over the broader horizon this will help save lives and money,’’ Klarides said in the release.

She has been working on the bill for several years. Klarides said the cost savings will be seen in healthier people who don’t need as much healthcare and in fewer tests. Doctors and cancer survivors said at a post session press conference that the incidence of false positive results that require additional tests drop dramatically while using the procedure.