Exhibit On Connecticut Whaling Opening In Milford

The Milford Preservation Trust is opening the Downs House at 139 North St. in Milford from noon to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 17 for an exhibit on Connecticut whaling. The exhibit will feature an original poster done by artist Bob Sforza showing the many ports in Connecticut where whaling vessels left, the names of the towns, ships and captains. Portraits of individual captains, whales and dates of the voyages are included. Baleen, sperm whale teeth, scrimshaw, almanacs and tools are also part of the exhibit. Donations will be accepted to help the trust restore the house to the year 1775.

The public is encouraged to make handmade ornaments of whale species to be hung on a Christmas tree in the house. For information, call the trust at 203-988-0918.
